9th September 2007

Well, it's been awhile... but I have been busy! Honest... ;-)

It has, though, quickly dawned on me that with this news page and the Pendragon livejournal I was more or less duplicating myself, so from now on if you want news then go to the journal - well, until the web overhaul later this year of course...

If you would like to check back on old news then click here.


It's almost that time again: FantasyCon, in three weeks - 21st September. Are you going? Not only will I be selling books, but also launching the huge anthology New Writings in the Fantastic and up for a couple of awards:

Best Novella: Rough Cut by Gary McMahon, not to mention two from Choices ("Memory of Joy" by Eric Brown and "Kid" by Paul Finch);

Best Anthology: the aforementioned Choices;

Best Artist: Vincent Chong (who produced the superb cover for Rough Cut).

and, Best Small Press.

As usual, each category is tough - but, hand on heart, I think there's a damned good chance Pendragon will win in the novella category... but, we'll soon see on Sunday afternoon.

As you may notice, two covers have been added to the roster: Tony Richards' novella collection No-Man, and Mark Charan Newton's The Reef with the latter now available for pre-order.

Apart from that, that's it until after FCon where hopefully I'll have some good news...



Pendragon Press, Po Box 12, Maesteg, Mid Glamorgan, South Wales, CF34 0XG
chris at pendragonpress dot co dot uk